Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Now blogging at - thanks for your support!

Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging and giving project updates at the Leopard Task Force online home:

It's a cleaner and easier way for me to keep in touch as I'm in the field so much with just a phone or maybe a light tablet.  I'll tweet when I can from HERE and there will also be images and the odd musing at Facebook.

@WildTigerNews at Twitter and the Facebook site Living with Leopards are two platforms I urge you to follow but however you connect with us, your support is appreciated and any help you give wildlife and particularly at this time, the leopard, makes a difference.

We can never stop, there's too much at stake.  Cheers Jack.

Monday, December 4, 2017

"Tiger of the Snows" ... Back at Leopard Camp soon...

It's a place in a landscape that gave me some of the toughest days of my life. I'm looking forward to being back though. I'm having a writing day today before placing some cameras, I've been thinking about the word "loyalty" because I've realized that is the only true honour. The next few days are all about the leopard Dipnani before I head to higher parts but up there the effort for the same species, motivated by cats that have gone before, will continue. Those who have followed this blog, and I thank you, know I became bewildered by the lack of loyalty to this species but as the world goes gaga about Bengal tiger counts, and other fluffier cats in the high himal, my own loyalty won't stray from an animal I have made promises to. So it's best to follow the mandate of only controlling what you can control, doing your best day to day, smiling at your own insignificance... and always knowing that the true tiger of the snows is worth every effort to protect...

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Giving the leopard a fair go...

So much going on, means I have to delay getting to the mountain project but it will happen soon. Down here, an issue of disturbance of wildlife has me concerned, once again it is the leopard bearing the brunt. I'm behind in replies re project issues, they will also come. As the site forms as an entity of WildTiger there will be an overall project update, I sincerely thank those who have helped of late, your loyalty to the leopard is appreciated, this species needs a fair go.
Right now a big hats off to gear guru Bernd who is making a special trip here within the next few days, this means the ten village elephant conflict program will have considerable progress. A conversation with the Hatisar guys last night, as the leopard proof goat shed nears completion (more on this soon), gives me real hope, there was realization that agriculture, not tourism, can be the heart beat of this country. And a special shout out to Bindu the Hindu, some great information via phone last night re human/wildlife conflict (leopard, snow leopard) in the area she is working in the Annapurna. "I know it's cold up there Penguin but you are doing very meaningful work, I'm really proud of you, hang in there."
People are trying hard, too many stories to tell right now but the effort will never stop, it can't.

Now blogging at - thanks for your support!

Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging a...