For several days now I've been head down in documentation, a necessary part of the process, totally focused on the task. The act of rewilding within the big picture of environmental rebuilding brings up many issues but dare to dream of a world without zoos, with only the very necessary situations of animals in captivity. Sanctuaries and bio parks recreating a natural world, animals born in captivity today becoming part of a new evolution with their offspring growing up in a new type of wild. So let's put the cage makers out of business and give them work planting trees, creating habitat for a better planet. Dreams can come true...
In Nepal the word "Tiger" can refer to any of the wild cat species including the Forest Leopard (panthera pardus). This incredibly adaptive cat has been my focus for several years now and I'm striving to improve co-existence between people and the leopard... This blog brings updates of our ground level work linked to -
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Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek. I'm now blogging a...

The posts for this blog are also at Facebook (if you wish to comment) along with other updates I don't post here. Ram's (...
These posts (and other updates) are at my personal Facebook page if you wish to comment but please don't forget to follow Living with...
This post is at Facebook (along with other updates that don't get posted on this blog) if you wish to comment. There's a short u...