This image just through from Hemant re the guns being collected in the Banke area of the Bardia/Banke national parks region, one of the most vital tiger landscapes on the planet. Your support for WildTiger enables people like Hemant to do their work, I thank the true contributing supporters. I'm about to get a whole lot more cash sunk into the Leopard Rewilding Program, this whole thing takes effort and there is a lot of behind the scenes activity going on. I'm never going to jeopardize the safety of the people or wildlife involved by naming locations or details that don't need to go into the public domain, there are people who support simply because they know the effort. But this whole thing is much more than just a battle against poachers, organized crime etc, there are the issues of politics, ego and apathy (caused by lack of education in some sectors, lack of care in others) which interfere in the true essence of conservation. If one little leopard cub, as just an example, doesn't get the chance to be a true leopard, then we are all poorer. For those reasons, strategies have to evolve accordingly and the people who are truly willing to sacrifice need to be supported. Once again, I thank those who truly support. Right now, there is one little leopard cub which may or may not be given its chance, that story is locked away because of these issues but that innocent animal represents so much more...
In Nepal the word "Tiger" can refer to any of the wild cat species including the Forest Leopard (panthera pardus). This incredibly adaptive cat has been my focus for several years now and I'm striving to improve co-existence between people and the leopard... This blog brings updates of our ground level work linked to -
Monday, May 9, 2016
Collection of guns represents the overall plight... and one little #leopard cub...
This image just through from Hemant re the guns being collected in the Banke area of the Bardia/Banke national parks region, one of the most vital tiger landscapes on the planet. Your support for WildTiger enables people like Hemant to do their work, I thank the true contributing supporters. I'm about to get a whole lot more cash sunk into the Leopard Rewilding Program, this whole thing takes effort and there is a lot of behind the scenes activity going on. I'm never going to jeopardize the safety of the people or wildlife involved by naming locations or details that don't need to go into the public domain, there are people who support simply because they know the effort. But this whole thing is much more than just a battle against poachers, organized crime etc, there are the issues of politics, ego and apathy (caused by lack of education in some sectors, lack of care in others) which interfere in the true essence of conservation. If one little leopard cub, as just an example, doesn't get the chance to be a true leopard, then we are all poorer. For those reasons, strategies have to evolve accordingly and the people who are truly willing to sacrifice need to be supported. Once again, I thank those who truly support. Right now, there is one little leopard cub which may or may not be given its chance, that story is locked away because of these issues but that innocent animal represents so much more...
Now blogging at - thanks for your support!
Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek. I'm now blogging a...

The posts for this blog are also at Facebook (if you wish to comment) along with other updates I don't post here. Ram's (...
These posts (and other updates) are at my personal Facebook page if you wish to comment but please don't forget to follow Living with...
This post is at Facebook (along with other updates that don't get posted on this blog) if you wish to comment. There's a short u...