Monday, May 4, 2015

#NepalEarthquake REMOTE AREA AID (R2A) The cost for years to come...

It's impossible to quantify the impact of a major earthquake.  The long term affect is a toll on a nation.  Nepal struggles anyway, it really does.  To see what has happened in these remote villages was sobering.  Yes, we are able to give help but there is no satisfaction in that, no feeling of job well done.  There is only a type of numbness which let's you focus on the obvious, what needs to be done next...

In saying that I thank everyone for their support.  You are making a difference.  As I write this there is a slight sense that at least because the ground is not shaking as much and air plus ground teams are mobilizing with more coordination after what was a very unprepared start, that at least some progress is being made.

There is real concern of course about what happens next.  Countless people are living under a piece of plastic.  Hygene issues are a massive concern.  This is how WildTiger will continue to help and it will be an ongoing process beset by the difficulty of monsoon rains.

I head to the jungle shortly to check on Asa, the young leopard I have been rewilding now in a project lasting fifteen months so far.  I hope this day gives me some perspective because it is another day where there will be cost, just as there will be for years to come...

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Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging a...