Sunday, February 12, 2017

"Honey Hunters" - #LeopardHoney testing as the buzz increases...

I'll have more images and a progress report soon but we're very close now to the first jars of Leopard Honey. Give people living with leopards a better income so that they can they can live more safely, have shelter for their livestock, hunt less in the jungle etc then guess what? There's more chance for the #leopard#wildlife#habitat...
This type of conservation doesn't require conferences in Hawaii, PhDs or thousands of dollars looking for "new species" ... it just requires some common sense to look after the "old species" ... more soon in the upcoming "Living with Leopards" update as well as how #TigerHoney will help fund Rapid Response Teams but the best conservationists I know always say "don't lock up poachers or shoot them, show them a better way to live". Amen to that...

Now blogging at - thanks for your support!

Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging a...