Thursday, February 9, 2017

Being non-invasive and technology keys to human-wildlife coexistence...

Many thanks to those who have been reading my posts here and at Facebook. After over 30 hours of spine altering road travel (my elongated body is not made for local vehicles) I'm enjoying good internet speed and coffee while I get things done before I head back into the mountains.

My posts in the last couple of days have themed on the way we are impacting on wildlife behaviour, particularly the leopard.  The ramifications are of course affecting the most marginalized, both people and wildlife.

As a conservationist I daily examine my own ethics, making sure I'm as non invasive as possible in my strategies and environmental footprint.  I know I can keep improving.  Technology is incredibly important now in this philosophy.  Giving wildlife the space needed so roles in ecosystems can be performed perfectly naturally has to be fundamental in our thinking.  Our very futures depend on it, wildlife is core to our own existence...

Now blogging at - thanks for your support!

Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging a...