Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Human - Leopard Co-existence - quick update on strategy...

These posts are also at Facebook (along with other updates) if you wish to comment.

Just a quick one as I'm getting a lot of correspondence on this issue and I haven't been able to get back to everyone.  Regarding conflict mitigation strategy it involves digital eye, forensics, an early warning (and deterrent) device and the biggie which is giving people a better understanding of leopard behaviour in conflict areas.  This last one is a concern because I frequently hear and read information which is off the mark. The leopard is the most successful, cunning and adaptable of the big cats.  When things are out of balance those attributes make the leopard the most deadly.  I am still constantly amazed what they are capable of and living with one extended my vision much further.  A massive amount of time and resource has gone into this, it really has been a case of putting  money where the mouth is.  There's a lot more to be done but we are making progress.  I'll update in a few weeks regarding the whole "Living with Leopards" concept.  I thank those who support this in a tangible way, it's about saving lives of people, livestock plus the leopards themselves and of course keeping ecosystems intact...
Cheers Jack.

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Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging a...