Monday, November 6, 2017

"Don't disturb" - let wildlife have its space...

(image captured on remote camera). A lot going on at the moment within the the realms of #coexistence, #rehabilitation (leopard) and #AntiTrafficking, I'll have an update in a few days. A boisterous and often amusing (black humour as a coping mechanism!) discussion decided on the name of "Gorkha" for the tiger which has entered our area, more on why that name came about at a later date but the realities of adequate prey base, availability of water and habitat encroachment tempered the merriment. Wild boar as a prey species are incredibly important, so many leopard scats I find show that, so every one of these animals poached illegally has a detrimental ramification. The web of life is complicated but if left to do its own thing, nature will manage, we are all better off for it. Disturbance is a key issue and has to be constantly addressed. Let wildlife have its space, the world is then a better functioning place...

The images below are also taken with remote camera, I posted them on Facebook yesterday. I've got literally tens of thousands of images, they are important data but a key element to capture is minimal disturbance.

Now blogging at - thanks for your support!

Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging a...