Friday, September 11, 2015

It's not love, it's something far, far greater...

If ever you're going to read one of my rants, please make it this one, it's not long and it wont hurt.  I'm not where this image is, I'm in Kathmandu.  The photograph was taken by Joel in Chhomrong (yes, 2 x h), one of my favorite places, just a few hours from Ghandruk, another favourite... and then beyond that is Leopard Camp where at the time the image was taken, I was sharing the area with Asa, the leopard of hope, now rewilded and free.

That was one of the toughest things I've ever done but now there are challenges just as big ahead. I'm currently tabling the MoU for the next step, developing the rewilding program (and Rescue and Rewilding centre) within a proposed Leopard Task Force, a unit which will become trained, equipped and ready for any situation.  The death of another leopard just recently, a situation that may have been avoided, has saddened me but at the same time made me all the more determined because of it.

I'm dedicating every part of my being to these projects, it's something much greater than love, it's respect. I've always had huge respect for big cats but living with Asa and the whole process that took place during his rewilding has put it into an even greater perspective, of what is really important in this world.

I know Asis Gurung and Tika Ram Tharu are understanding this.  The complexities of rewilding big cats are ever present because each situation is so different.  Developing a team which is wholly dedicated to the task, willing to sacrifice all else, is the major key to success.

Nepal has massive challenges as it is, the politics, the social issues, these things affect what we do greatly, they cannot be ignored, they have to be worked around and with which is why I am in Kathmandu this very minute.

WildTiger is changing again.  To generate the funds I need to make these projects succeed I'm going to have to sell a lot of images, try and get maybe 5000 subscribers.  There will be email outs, special offers, exhibitions, talks, anything I can do to get every valuable cent we need.  Those who have visited here know I live lean, everything goes to what happens at ground level, there's no flash offices, no luxuries just 24 hour 7 day a week commitment.  It has to be that way or we will not succeed.

Thanks to all who have helped so far, become part of this.  Many of you are already on the subscription list and I'll be in contact soon.  You can point others to  - I'll be posting images, writing stories, bringing profiles, updating constantly... anything to keep people engaged and encourage support.  We're progressing, hopefully soon I'll be announcing the role for Hemanta​ (as part of the collaboration with the National Trust for Nature Conservation, as is the Leopard Rewilding Program) as Community Based Anti-Poaching Training Officer, another aspect within the MoU.  There are other positive developments but they cost, we work hard on the ground and hard just trying to keep it happening.

We are all in this together and I thank you for joining me and Team WildTiger.

Now blogging at - thanks for your support!

Many thanks to those who have been following this blog as well as prior to that The Asa Diaries and TigerTrek.  I'm now blogging a...